Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Looking for an excuse...

current musical obsessions. hail satan.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I have no immunities...

so I have pneumonia AGAIN... my body obviously hates me. I feel like hammered shit currently. double doses of codeine cough syrup are doing nothing. this quite possibly means i will fail most of my classes this quarter, which would REALLY fuck up my plans. all in all, it sucks.

Monday, October 6, 2008

the scorpion...

So I just got home from New Mexico. It was an interesting trip, to say the least. First off, thank you Crooked Ways and Bankrobber for letting me join you on your adventure. Another thanks to Before We're Done for being awesome.

Story time.

Canyon City:
We ended up getting to this show late and having to rush everything inside. The venue didn't really give a fuck, though. We set up merch, etc. I was supposed to be selling merch for Crooked Ways, but I'm a horrible hustler. I sold one shirt, and it wasn't even the shirt the girl wanted. Sorry! Crooked Ways played, but I didn't get to mash cuz of my merch duties. They played a good set though. Kids were mashin' all over the place and gettin' nutty. Bankrobber was next. They brought the rock. Mashed super hard. Snapecase cover that only me and Alvino knew was awesome as always. Before We're Done was up next. I had a special plan for their set. I ran back to the van and put on what would soon be called the "cape of justice". This was a fake leather jacket with a giant american flag on the black and was all red, white and blue. The mash was intense. A Better Hope Foundation was next. These guys rule, but I didn't really watch them that well. Sorry guys! Gravemaker was after them. These guys are amazing. They played an awesome set. More mashin'. Killing Kings played. Underground. Hard. After the show, some drama/hilarity ensued, and then we went to Denny's. Gravemaker and A Better Hope Foundation came with us and got all sorts of free food from our waitress. Nicest dudes ever. We almost had the waitress convinced to let them play INSIDE Denny's until some state troopers rolled up and spoiled the fun. BOGUS! We decided to just drive to Albuquerque that night for soem reason. We made to some rest stop about half way there and just spent the rest of the night in the van there. So much condensated dude sweat.

Albuquerque pt. 1:
We got into Albuquerque at around noon (i think?) and went over to Joaquins' to hang out with him and Tyrone. Tyrone, call me on your bluetooth! Rad dudes, super nice. We walked over to Weck's for some breakfast. It was delicious. I got some Chicken-Fried Steak. A+. After that, we took some naps at Joaquin's and then left for the great city of Gallup.

Acourding to Steve, this is the poorest city in the US. I believe it. As soon as we got into town, it started pouring rain and didn't stop all night, so even though we were there on time, we had to hustle to get all the gear in. The first band who's name I can't remember was... welll... horrible. Down Not Out played next. Good kids, hard mash. Then, Easier Said Than Done played. Rad pop punk band. Sweet stage dive. Thanks, me. Highland Park was next. This band fucking rules. Kid Dynamite pt. 2. You Vandal cover was perfect, Hatebreed cover was hard. Awesome band. Shit Out Of Luck played next. Native American Rockabilly. They like to fuck. Then Bankrobber played. Was, again, awesome. Before We're Done were next. Cape of justice came back out. More hard mash. Fun. Crooked Ways was last. Cape stayed on, pants came off. This set was more fun than I can explain. Purely ridiculous. Gordon ladder diving, nudity, mash. It was amazing. Hung out for a little while after the show. I kissed the promoters girlfriend. Sorry Korby! We made the short drive back to Albuquerque and passed out on Joaquin's floor.

Albuquerque pt. 2: